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Military Cyber Commanders’ Forum in Budapest

Text: HDFC Cyber Inspectorate | Photo: WO Lajos Szabó |  10:04 November 16, 2021

As part of the event series connected with the Hungarian V4 presidency, a programme entitled “Military Cyber Commanders’ Forum” was organized between 10–12 November.

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At the event organized by the Hungarian Defence Forces Command Cyber Inspectorate (CI), the military cyber commanders of the Visegrád Four countries introduced the cyber defence tasks and organizations of their countries as well as the results achieved so far. In his opening speech, Lieutenant General Zoltán Mihócza, Chief of Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces Command emphasized the importance of cyberspace as an independent domain of operations, adding that international cooperation is necessary in this area as well.

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Speaking as the host of the event, Brigadier General Prof. Dr. László Kovács, Inspector of the Hungarian Defence Forces Cyber Inspectorate (CI) said that this forum had provided the four countries with a good opportunity to discuss the possible future areas of international cooperation which is inevitably needed in the field of cyber defence.

The Chief of the Bundeswehr CIS Directorate Major General Dr. Michael Farber held a lecture on the PESCO Cyber and Information Domain Coordination Center (CIDCC) project, which further strengthened this form of cooperation. As an invited lecturer, the major general – who is also the chairman of the CIDCC Steering Board – also highlighted the importance of international cooperation and information-sharing in cyberspace, which is one of the PESCO CIDCC’s main objectives.

The participants of the forum agreed that they wish to carry on this first, tradition-starting forum both at strategic and technical expert level to further the high standards of cyber security in the V4 member countries.